
Sending a Document for Approval

This operation allows sending a document for approval to any user/users, and they can either approve or reject it. An approval task with the document attached is created.
To send a document for approval:
1. Open the page of the document that you want to send for approval.
2. Click Send and select Send for Approval (fig. 1). A form for sending the document for approval will open (fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Send for approval
Fig. 2. Form for sending a document for approval
The form has  two tabs: Send for Approval and Document.
The Document tab contains the document page.
The Send for Approval tab allows selecting users, approval type, document version, and adding a note.
The Send for Approval tab includes the following fields:
Subject*approval task name.
The name of the sent document is added to the field automatically. You can change the subject, if necessary. This field is required.
To* – the list of users who have to approve the document. Apart from separate approvers, you can add custom user lists. This field is required. The selected users will be displayed below the field (fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Selecting users for the document approval
By clicking on the cross icon next to a user you can remove the user from the list or clear the entire list of selected users. When you click on this button, a dialog box opens (fig. 4), where you need to select a further action:
When you send a document for approval:
1. Document approval tasks are created for each selected user.
2. The Approval tab is added to the document page.
3. The General Information tab displays the current approval tasks (fig. 11).
Fig. 11. Current tasks

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